As an innovative and independent consulting enterprise we are offering you high-quality support in different areas:
Technological Consulting, Architecture
Our firm has comprehensive experience in the area of professional software-development. We provide this experience to realize your goals. We develop evaluations, requirements, tender documents, system specification, feasibility studies and architecture.
Accessible Web-Sites
Various laws and regulations mandate unhindered access to web-sites. Since about 1996 we are using web technologies to create and improve user experiences. We are experienced with accessibility and speech input and control software like Dragon NaturallySpeaking, screen reader software like JAWS and NVDA and Microsoft accessibility utilities. We create and fix websites according to WAI rules, using HTML5, semantic web, ARIA tags and JavaScript.
Development: Web, Cloud, Desktop
We develop high-performance, user-friendly solutions according to your requirements and specifications. We use generic tools and methods to improve the efficiency and stability: Generators, dynamic compilation and generics. We have extensive experience in the area of standard product development, especially for international markets.
HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript
Our development is based, whenever possible, on standard technology. Our websites do run on all current browsers, including mobile devices. They are ambitious, interactive, dynamic and graphical, build for for notable clients in the scientific/technical/financial areas. We value and engineer security, stability, usability and performance.
C#, ASP.NET, Microsoft.NET
We are specializing in Microsoft® .NET™ technologies, especially Visual C#®, ASP.NET, MVC, JSON, XML, C++/CLI, ADO.NET and VB.NET.
Troubleshooting, Debugging, Performance, Reviews
We support you in analyzing and solving crashes, exceptions and performance problems in C#, C++, VB und WCF. We can do professional dump analysis.
Porting ASP.NET, VB.NET, Reengineering, Redesign
We have the methods and experience to stabilize and improve legacy software (ASP.NET or other technologies) and improve their performance. We can optimize and modernize the user interfaces. We also support you in the transition from VB.NET to C# or when switching to .NET 5 (core).
Analysis, Modeling and Design
We are using modern and approved technologies to create a sound basement for the development. Our toolbox contains UML, patterns and object-oriented technologies as well as structured and dataflow-oriented methods, wireframes, mockups, rapid prototyping, UX- analysis and design.
Outsourcing, Offshore
Our company has a subsidiary in Spain. This allows us to provide services like translation, graphics design, Web design, software development, testing and support in various languages and with advantageous conditions. There are excellent air connections to the European mainland and the United Kingdom.
Windows Azure
We are longtime and able users of the Microsoft Azure Cloud environment. Our software is running on Azure virtual machines and virtual websites. We value the advantages of Azure: Global availability, rapid provisioning, flexible capacity, load balancing and pay-as-you-go.
SQL-Server, ClickHouse, Databases
We are experienced users of ClickHouse, Microsoft SQL Server and have used Oracle, Informix and MS-Access databases as well. We developed an own rapid prototyping and ORM system to bring flexibility, stability and speed into the development of SQL databases.
Coaching and Workshops
As a result of our longtime experience we are able to find clear concepts and path breaking methods of resolution, which in practice provide stability, save costs and lead to sure results.
Our Tariffs
Our tariffs depend on the kind of work, the required qualification and
the planned duration of the task. Please ask us for a quote!
Our subsidiary on the Canary Islands allows us to provide services at
good conditions. From there, very good air connections to the mainland
and the British islands exist. We can reach every part of Europe quickly
and a skilled and multilingual pool of manpower is available.
We have been developing a lot of tools. In the following we will give you a short overview. If your projects have similar requirements, you can contact us.
Web Application Installer

Customizable target locations, web application settings, database settings. HTTPS and certificates. Create websites and web applications. Set folder and Service rights. Persist and reuse all settings. Test preconditions. Upgrade databases. Modern user interface.
Users, Groups, Security, Rights
Manage authentication and authorization within websites. Access Active Directory™, use Windows™ credentials. Easily specify access to program components and features.
Web Uploader for Large Files

Customizable server connections and credentials. Very user-friendly UI. Support for automated, background action. Pause, resume and restart transmissions. Manage many documents at the same time. Show transfer statistics. Persist and reuse all settings.

Viewer for Huge Images
Very quick image display, panning and zooming. Various image formats. Integrated graphical, collaborative annotations. Customizable colors and layout, embeddable. Interface for version management.
ORM Framework
High-speed data access. Able to work with huge data sets with minimal memory footprint. It is a layered system: DTO's for basic data representation and transfer. BO's for bundling the object-related functionality. BOM's for lists of business objects. Pluggable validation. Customizable serialization and database access. Stable, proven, generic.

Versatile Generator
Generate databases, SQL scripts, C# code, ORM object model, user interfaces and XSD schemes. Model-first. Simple and efficient model description. Practical user interface. Supports partial classes. All generators are easily customizable. Easy to use internal API.
Cobasoft Advantages
Why should you award us a contract? Why should you work with us and trust us to implement large software systems? In the following we try to give some good arguments:
Choosing the Right Strategic Direction

By choosing the right strategic direction at the beginning of a project, substantial costs can be saved during development and after rollout. By choosing an appropriate architecture, by good design and by using an efficient software factory we support you.
Stability by Good Design
The design is the basement on which the development of a software must rest. Only if the underlying design is stable, complete and efficient, the application which is built upon this design, can be as stable, complete and efficient. The quality of the specifications determines the success of the project. Profit from our experience!
Refactoring and Porting

Programs grow old, too. The utilized technology goes out of fashion. The data structures no longer keep up with the current requirements. To get a handle on these problems, refactoring and porting are appropriate measures. We have much experience with these tasks and can speed up and ensure the implementation.
User Interface, Data structure, Algorithms
These are main pillars of every program. By finding the optimal pattern for each of these pillars the software development can be led to success. We evaluate or provide the quality of these components and find the matching solution for you.