Profile Karl-W.Geitz

I'm working as a professional consultant. In the following you will find links to my profiles and additional information. The profiles describe my professional experience and field of activity. Feel free to contact me regarding projects and consulting.

Profiles: Projects and Know-How

You also might want to have a look at the PROJECTS page to see screenshots of some interesting projects.

English HTML PDF Matrix Matrix (PDF)
German HTML PDF Matrix Matrix (PDF)

Older Profile, C and C++ Projects

English PDF DOC
German PDF DOC

MCP Transcript MCAD Certificate MCP Certificate
Programming with Speech and AI with Karl Geitz
Programming with Speech and AI

Field of Action

  • Feasibility Studies
  • Requirements Specifications
  • Detailed Specification
  • Design & Architecture
  • GUI Design, Ergonomics
  • Graphic Design & Web Layout
  • Data and Database Design
  • Migration & Porting
  • Reengineering
  • Troubleshooting
  • System-Programming
  • Application Programming
  • Coaching & Workshops
  • Documentation, Online Help

Methods and Procedures

  • Generic Technologies
  • Generics
  • Generators: Sourcecode, SQL, HTML
  • Object Oriented Analysis
  • Object Oriented Design
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Model Driven Architecture
  • Structured Analysis and Design
  • CASE Dataflow Analysis
  • Status Machines
  • Event-Driven Systems
  • Multithreaded Systems
  • Database Design: ER, UML, MDA
  • International Development

Special Knowledge

  • Debugging & Performance Analysis
  • Dragon Naturally Speaking
  • Siemens® HiPath ProCenter SDK
  • Siemens® HiPath SoftPhone
  • Siemens® SynGo
  • TouchStream special keyboard
  • Document Management
  • Scanning, Imaging, TWAIN
  • Painting and Imaging Software
  • ClearCase, SourceSafe, CMS
  • Typography, Layout
  • Web Design, Graphics Design


  • Microscopy
  • Medical Technology
  • Call-Center
  • CRM Software
  • Financial Sector
  • Insurance Class
  • Software-Developers
  • Telematics
  • Telecommunications
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Support
  • Troubleshooting

Customers and References

In the following text we will give you a short overview of some of our most important customers and the projects we realized for them.

Carl Zeiss® Microscopy GmbH

We realized the product "ZEN browser", a web-based high-performance image and document database. Its main purposes are fast display of and fluent interaction with huge images, as they result from modern high-tech microscopes. The system may be used from desktop and mobile devices, without restrictions in functionality and independent of the client operating system (Windows®, OS X®, iOS®, Unix® or Android™). Metadata may be imported and used for all documents; import, layout and drill-down are fully customizable; images and their various labels and metadata may be arranged as required. The system is able to manage various image formats. Any type of document may be imported and managed. It contains version management and collaborative features. A demo may be found on

Automation Systems Company, Dresden

"...auf diesem Wege bedanken wir uns für die Durchführung der drei Workshops "Debugging" in unserem Haus. Die Workshops sind bei allen Teilnehmern sehr gut angekommen und werden uns in den laufenden und kommenden Projekten sehr weiterhelfen. Trotz der sehr knapp bemessenen Zeit unsererseits waren Sie in der Lage die fachlichen Informationen sehr gut an die Teilnehmer zu vermittein. Hervorzuheben ist auch die sehr gute Zusammenarbeit und die Kurzfristigkeit in der Sie die Workshops möglich gemacht haben."

Microsoft Germany GmbH

Karl Geitz been working as freelancer for Microsoft GTSC EMEA in Distributed Services for about 17 months. He worked in the Distributed Services section of the european Premier support organization. His topics were Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), SOAP and XML, Web- standards, web site security, troubleshooting and debugging and consulting. His colleagues were knowledgeable experts and very nice and interesting people. They solved problems of performance and stability for clients throughout Europe.

MTU Aero Engines GmbH

"Den Berater Herrn Karl Geitz hatten wir 2007 in der Entwicklung und Programmierung verschiedener Softwareprojekte eingesetzt, die in C# implementiert wurden. Es handelte sich sowohl um Server-Komponenten als auch um graphische Benutzeroberflächen von Clients.
Herrn Geitz können wir jederzeit weiter empfehlen, er hat stets sehr schnell und effektiv gearbeitet, die Entwicklungswerkzeuge sehr gut beherrscht und auf Grund seiner Erfahrung und seines Überblicks für alle aufgetretenen Probleme in kurzer Zeit erfolgreich und eigenständig eine Lösung gefunden. Hervor zu heben sind seine .Net- und SQL-Detailkenntnisse."

Siemens AG

Since many years we are working for Siemens AG, in the divisions traffic control, medical systems and telecommunications. (I&S ITS, MED DB, ICN bzw. COM).

We realized some sophisticated applications for Siemens. In the first four of the following projects I developed the architecture and was project lead.

  • COM: Code-and Schema Generator for .NET
  • COM: Dialer Server Applikation for HiPath ProCenter, .NET
  • COM: CRM Sales Support System, .NET.
  • MED: XML based generic testing system for SynGo.
  • I&S: CONCERT-NT - A traffic control center.

Real Cost of Working Time

We want to show here, what the real cost of every productive working hour is, for an employee in the software development (in Germany). First we will calculate the number of working days and hours per year:

The calculation of the productive working time is based on the summary done by Billomat.

Days Kind
356 Total
104 Weekend
8 Holidays
30 Locations
10 Sick
4 Training
156 Total off
200 Work
150 75% Productive

Cost per Working Hour

On this basis, we then calculate the effective cost per working hour (presence / effective) for the gross salary and the total cost, respectively. (Numbers based on the PDF from 2013, s.b.)

All in all, one has to calculate with about 78 EURO per hour.

Tage h h/J EUR/J EUR/h
200 8 1600 69.900 43,69
150 8 1200 69.900 58,25
200 8 1600 93.450 58.41
150 8 1200 93.450 77.88

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