Utilities and Products

Our products, utilities and open source projects.

LOG Viewer

Viewer and filter for large text files, especially the Cobasoft LOG file format. Download: logvw.zip

LogVw requires .NET Framework Runtime 8. The related downloads should be available at:
https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/8.0 .

logvw -- View and analyze large text files.

Usage: logvw [options] filename: open that file.
  or: logvw -h: show this help text.
  or: logvw -l: open the latest (newest) log file.
  or: logvw -j wildcard: join matching files into one LOG.

  -i: turn off Ignore-case.
  -f regex: set Filter regex.
  -t regex: set Task regex.
  -x regex: set eXclusion regex.
  -g regex: set highliGht regex.
  -u: turn-on automatic Updating (reload).
  -c codepage: use Codepage.
  -d: show timing information.
  -s n: replace all tabs with N spaces (0<n<32).
  -w n: wrap lines after N chars (8<n<32767).

Regular expressions can be used for searching and filtering.
Searching is started by pressing S and entering a regex.
Then pressing A or D moves to the next or previous match.
The match line is shown in a light blue color.

Filtering is based on 3 regex: Filter, Task and Exclude.
Only lines matching Filter OR Task, but NOT Exclude are shown.
The Task regex is always automatically surrounded by spaces.

Keyboard Commands:
-- Filters
 F      Filter regex.
 T      Task regex.
 X      eXclusion regex.
 E      Expand: Clear F,X,T filters.
 H      Highlight regex.
 I      Ignore case, for all regex.
-- Load and Refresh
 L      Load text file again and refresh screen.
 R      Refresh screen.
 U      Update mode; reload changes, 5 sec.
 O      Open another LOG file.
 7      open latest LOG file.
 N      log file Navigation: Home/End/Left/Right
 3      change code page.
-- Searching
 A      bAckwards search again.
 S      Search regex.
 D      forwarD search again.
 Z		forward search again and center.
-- Bookmarks and jumping
 G      Go to line number or percentage.
 B      set Bookmark (A-Z, 0-9).
 J      Jump to bookmark.
-- Others
 C      Copy to clipboard... Options: offset/sort/unique,...
 W      Write to file. Same options as Copy.
 ,      Open shell in new window (cmd.exe).
 ?/     Show this help text.
 Esc    Quit LogVw.

Navigation Keys [normal / with CTRL / with SHIFT ]:
 Left    1 column / half width / quarter width
 Right   1 column / half width / quarter width
 Up      1 row / half page / quarter page
 Down    1 row / half page / quarter page
 PgUp    1 page / 10 pages
 PgDn    1 page / 10 pages
 Home    top / first column
 End     end / max column

In all prompts, the features of DOSKEY are available.
Run 'doskey /?' to get a summary or go to

We recommend using the the legacy console or to 
activate QuickEdit and disable 'Enable Ctrl key shortcuts'.

Download from: https://cobasoft.net/en/utils.htm
Author: Cobasoft GmbH, Karl-W. Geitz, © since 2017. v8.4.0913


Screen Ruler

Simple screen ruler. Shows size and position.

Download: ruler.exe